



manufacturing Tag

Drug Distribution and Trafficking: More Serious than Possession

Drug Distribution and Trafficking: More Serious than Possession

In Oklahoma, a conviction of drug distribution, trafficking, or manufacturing is much more serious than possession of drugs because of the harsher sentences imposed. As discussed in a previous blog, possession of many common drugs carries a 5-year sentence for a first offense with a fine of $5,000. Subsequent convictions lead to longer sentences and larger fines, up to 15 years in prison and $10,000. 63 O.S. 2-402(B)(1). In contrast, distribution of Schedule I or II narcotics is a felony and carries sentences ranging from 5 years to life in prison and a $100,000 fine. These penalties also apply to anyone...

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Which Drugs Are Illegal in Oklahoma?

Which Drugs Are Illegal in Oklahoma?

With State Question 788 in the Oklahoma news on a weekly basis, you may be wondering which drugs are illegal in Oklahoma. The ballot initiative would legalize marijuana for medical use only with a doctor’s recommendation. Currently, marijuana and many other drugs are illegal in Oklahoma. Oklahoma law divides drugs into five different categories, called “schedules”, depending on characteristics shared by different drugs. The drugs are referred to as “controlled dangerous substances” (CDS) under the law. Possession, distribution, and manufacturing of CDS carry different penalties depending on the drug and the schedule to which it belongs. The categories are broken down...

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